Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Homework #1 ~ The Kitchenaid

I chose the kitchenaid as something I love the design of. The kitchenaid has been a product since the 1930s, yet its still maintained its retro look while still managing to rebrand itself as a chic kitchen appliance. It has multiple uses and there really is no compromise for a lesser brand of mixers. The sleek design and variety of patterns and colors in comes in makes it fit in any kitchen. Its really a hallmark of the classic American kitchen and has subconsciously imprinted itself as a staple essential in any good kitchen.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Graphic Design Questions


What is your computer experience?

~From the ripe age of 6 years old, I've been using a computer. I mean I've come a far way since playing Putt Putt games on a CD-rom. When I was 11 I made computer graphics with Paint Shop Pro, but I stopped doing that in my teenage years due to angst and video games. However, I am eager to learn new programs because photoshop is somewhat of hiccup for me as its not that intuitive. 

Also I'm really good at googling stuff and things.

What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator?

~Minimal experience, although lately I've been actually trying to learn it via tutorial websites. But I need a controlled environment to learn otherwise I'll just get frustrated and start doing some random hooplah on my computer instead.

Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator?
~I have never used a computer in my life so its going to be very hard for me to use the mouse

It has photoshop and illustrator, at least for now.

What is your major ?

~Fine and applied arts.

What do you hope to get out of this class?

~ The knowledge and focus to actually productively use photoshop and illustrator without it feeling like trying to pilot an airplane as a blind person.

Who is your favorite artist?

I really like Aya Takano and a whole bunch of other japanese artists associated with the superflat movement. I also really like Naoko Takeuchi because she illustrated the Sailor Moon manga and thats what little girls dreams were made of in the 90's. I like Gustav Klimt and his illustrious paintings. I like Salvador Dali because he's insane. I could compile a list of dozens of other artists, but I don't know their names offhand.

Who is your favorite musician? 

~Joanna Newsom, Animal Collective, Chelsea Wolfe, iamwhoiamwhoami, The Knife, etc etc

Tell me something interesting about yourself?

~I've changed my major way too many times, I like a lot of stuff but was never able to decide on what I liked enough to pursue. From journalism to biology to anthropology, my interests are really scattered. 

I have a freaky intuitive sixth sense. Sp0ooo00ky.
Write a five line story?

Its dusk; the sky a myriad of orange and blues and purples paint the background of the summer night. The only artificial light is produced by the lanterns hanging on the tree, newly illuminated by a group of passerbys. 

The sweet smell of summer flowers permeates the landscape, along with the smell of mesquite from a barbecque in the distance.

Someone yells out "ODOYLE RULES."

Post an image on the blog.